Students with additional support needs

We encourage all students to have an international experience as part of your degree at the University of Glasgow.

Before submitting an application, once you have been accepted, and again while you are away, make sure to keep in touch with:

  • Disability Services at the University of Glasgow.
  • The Go Abroad team. Disclose any additional support needs on your application so we can work with you and your allocated host university to ensure a smooth transition.

Look at our list of study exchange destinations. Check for the links to the support services available at our partner university and research this carefully before you apply.

Once allocated a place at a partner university, you must also apply directly to your host. Ensure you disclose any disability or pre-existing condition on your application to them so they can put any provisions in place.

Work Based Learning applicants should contact your host if you require additional support.

Equality and Diversity

Remember that different countries do not necessarily have the same laws and customs that you are familiar with in the UK. This includes protections under the Equality Act 2010.

If you identify with a protected characteristic group we advise you research the local laws, customs and support provision for minority groups. This includes if you have a disability, are LGBT or from a minority faith or ethnicity in your destination country.