Geothermally Sourced Combined Power and Freshwater Generation for Eastern Africa

This project was researching and developing the capacity within local and community resources to generate water and energy from beneath the surface of the land. It was a large and exciting environmental sustainability project, starting in May 2018 for 3 years (the EPSRC contribution is £1,330,441.31). Mia Perry’s role focused on ensuring the social, community, and qualitative aspects of the research, engagement and education around the project.

PI and Co-Is - International Collaborators


Professor Paul Younger, University of Glasgow, School of Engineering



Dr Zhibin Yu, University of Glasgow, School of Engineering

Dr Mia Perry, University of Glasgow, School of Education

Dr Elias Teklemariam, (University of Addis Ababa)

L. He, (University of Oxford)

Adrian Boyce, (Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre)

Start and End Date

May 2017 – May 2020

Funder and Funding Amount



Project News

The project has begun with a focus on the physical engineering development, with a prototype model in development. Over the next three months we will begin a socio-cultural scoping of relevant areas in Ethiopia and Kenya and a parallel investigation into the potential methodological role of social science in physical engineering.

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