Dr Antony Luby

“A fulfilling culmination to a lifetime of teaching and research in secondary schools"

I graduated in 2019, having completed my thesis Dominican Thomist Pedagogy for a Post-Secular Society: Developing Dialogic Skills in RE for UK Secondary School Students. My supervisors were Professor James Conroy and Professor Robert Davis. I have particularly fond memories of being back in my home town.

Since graduating I have been working as a Senior Lecturer in Education at Northumbria University. I teach Education modules at undergraduate level, PGCE and Masters levels. I am also undertaking further school-based research, liaising with Amsterdam University of the Applied Sciences. My PhD studies have helped me publish several papers in peer-reviewed journals, and I am currently writing a book. My PhD was a fulfilling culmination of a lifetime of teaching and research in secondary schools.


Luby, A. (2019) Reclaiming the Secular: Developing Dialogic Skills for a Post-Secular Society International journal of society, culture & language 7(1), pp. 27- 39 

Luby, A. (2019) A culture of dialogue. vision, pedagogy and dialogic skills for the RE classroom British journal of religious education

Luby, A. (2020) Initiating the creation of a procedurally secular society through dialogic RE. The three realms. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 41(1), pp. 72-87

Luby, A. (2019) Dialogic skills in RE: recontextualising the dialogue school. Journal of Religious Education, 67(2), pp. 127-142

Puttick, S.; Hill, Y.; Beckley, P.; Farrar, E.; Luby, A. & Hounslow-Eyre, A. (2020) Liminal spaces constructed by primary schools in predominantly white working-class areas in England, Ethnography and Education, 15:2, 137-154