Colonial and Postcolonial Studies brings together scholars and experts in the areas of empire, colonial, and postcolonial studies. Researchers in this cluster are interested in the questions of how might the contemporary issues of language, culture, science, race, slavery, gender, nation, migration, resource extraction, and climate crisis, among others, be shaped by the histories and historical continuities of neo/colonialism and capitalist imperialism. Through studying literary and non-literary texts, we explore the links between empire, history, and culture and interrogate possibilities and pedagogies involved in decolonising societies and thought-processes.

We will meet on a regular basis to discuss work, host work-in-progress, offer feedback on writing, and invite speakers and public bodies from outside the university. The cluster is specifically keen on developing collaborations in research, teaching, and grant applications from within the school as well as between schools and to that end will host regular conferences/symposia. To kick-start the conversations, we have set up a university-wide reading group in colonial and postcolonial studies, meeting every alternate Thursday from Jan 30, 2020.